總共經過了約180天 我們背著背包遊歷了許多地方

We went around the Europe with our backpacks for 180 days

畫畫是我們詮釋旅行的方式 我們邊走邊畫!!

Painting is the way we express our journey.  We’re traveling and painting!!


[Day1] Taipei-Athens

2014/3/17 這天 我們帶著畫筆出發了!

On 17th, March, 2014, we set out our journey with pens.


After 20hrs, transfer for two times, we finally arrived Greece



[Day2] Athens

背起巨大的行李 我們走在雅典街頭

Carry on with our huge backpacks, we walked along on the street in Athens



Wendy said: “We REALLY are backpackers!!”


Lobo said: “So heavy…why you put all the cosmetic stuff in my backpack…”


雅典 不是想像中的希臘- 藍天 白屋

Athens, is not as our imagine: house with white painting and sky with colorful blue.


Instead, she’s filled with empty buildings and lots of aids on the wall with graffiti.


她散發著些許的蕭條...卻也讓雅典染上了一股神秘的 復。古。美。!

She is bleak a little bit…. however, she’s also covered with retro fashion!


We’re lovin’ it ~






[Day2-3] Kalambaka

Kalambaka 是希臘北方的小鎮

Kalambaka is a village in the north of Athens.


It takes 5 hours  by the trains from Athens.



The village is surrounded by the rocks.

平凡的小鎮 卻有令人驚歎的景觀- Meteora

Normal one with amazing landscape- Meteora

此語源自希臘文Μετέωρα 字面上的意思是浮在天空的石頭

The words is from Greek “Μετέωρα” and means “in the heavens above” (from Wiki)

這裡指本地的特殊景觀- 修道院 (世界文化遺產)

Now, it means local architecture - Monastery (UNESCO World Heritage)


古時為了躲避戰亂 修士或修女將修道院建於遠離人煙的岩石上 

To stay away from the wars, friars and nums built the monastery up on the rock in the past.

目前殘存的修道院剩下六家 分別佇立于此

It leaves only six monastery now day.


p.s.: Female should wear dress to entry the monastery



三月份還沒有公車 我們秉持著背包客的精神 花了2小時走上山

There were no buses in March and took 2 hours to walk to the top.

很難想像的景色出現在我們的眼前 一切值得 !

Amazing and awesome landscape was front of us and it’s worth!


老羊:Wow~ 空中城堡!!!

Wendy: Wow~ castles in the sky!!!




[Day4] Athens

散步即是旅行 旅行即是散步

Walking is traveling. Traveling is walking

路上經過鴿子群 從背包中翻找出餅乾

We fed pigeons with cookies

經過傳統市場 肉攤老闆開心合影

Photo with peddlers in the market


希臘的人們 總是那麼悠閒!

Greek are always leisurely! 

路邊 咖啡廳 只要稍能駐足的地方 他們總會停下腳步吱吱咋咋一番

They can stop to talk everywhere!


衛城- 顧名思義是防衛城市的地方 通常會是城中的制高點

Acropolis- It’s the highest location in the city, function of defense


Acropolis is also the famous UNESCO in Greece

因為戰爭和列強的爭奪 衛城大半的牆壁已在別國博物館裡展示了

Most of the remains of Acropolis are in the museum oversea due to the war

雖然只剩下幾根石柱與地基 仍舊看得出當年神殿的雄偉

It still shows how spectacular she was although it only reminded foundation 


小貓咪穿梭其中 就像神殿的守護神一樣

The cats go through just as they are the watchmen of Acropolis



Wendy: Where are we stand is so ancient! 


Lobo: I’d wondering to carry piece of stone as souvenir!



[Day5-7] Naxos


Today, we start up the travel in Agean! 

 Island map  


他們要去小島Paros度假 希臘爸爸很熱情地和我們聊天 還教老嚕如何把玩希臘人(大多是老頭)常常拿在手裡的鍊子

They are going to have a vacation in the island “Paros”. Daddy chatted with us in passion and taught us how to play the bracelets as Greek did




The youngest two daughter are drawing with us

當分別時還把心愛的芭比送給我們 成了我們往後旅行甜蜜的負擔(笑)

They gave us their precious doll as gift and it became our treasure during our traveling!


The followings are sketch they draw to us






Apollo Temple’s entrance stand on the hill

夕陽照著樸素的那索斯島 美麗極了

The sunset shined Naxos. So pretty!



March is a busy season


They are busy to paint the house in white to welcome the tourist




We took the advantage by riding the bikes


It’s like maze in old town

白色屋子間不時出現一些蜿蜒小路 等著我們去冒險

The road extend between the white house 

最愛海灘 -太陽 細沙 藍到不可思議的海琴海 

Beach is our favorite one- sun shining, white sand and the Agean in deep blue

坐在戶外咖啡廳 學希臘人的悠閒

Sitting in the coffee shop. As leisurely as Greek are


Greece cake


Wendy:  The cake is so SWEET!


[Day8-10] Santorini


The most famous island in Greece- Santorini


Santorini map  

藍色的天空下 我們穿梭在山崖上的白色小屋

Walking between the white house which is on the cliff

我們就像明信片裡的主角 迷人極了 

We are definitely in the view of postcard


The wind blowed up the"dry shit" of dinkey



Santorini map 



在聖島上的阿吉租車行 老闆租給我們ㄧ台油表壞掉的機車 外加找錢的時候給歐元偽幣💶一張!

開心看完夕陽的那天 因為Oia沒有加油站 又不知道自己剩下多少油 我們最後困在伸手不見五指的山崖~

好險有好心人載我們去買油 真是人間處處有溫情!

結果阿吉超生氣說我們不準時還車 ...

還完車 我們還是開心買了好多甜點回家吃

現在我們只記得好心人的臉孔 不記得阿吉的長相了



[Day11-14] Rhodes


The Rhodes is very close to Turkey


We stay here for five days to wait the ferry to Turkey, twice a week in the low season

島上土味十足 少了一些希臘的浪漫

The island feels “Turkey” instead of “Greek romantic”

Rhodes map  

在羅德島上會一直唱著~城門城門雞蛋糕 36把刀 騎白馬~~ 

You will keep singing a rhymes form Taiwan… (I don’t know how to translate the rhymes!!)

護城河已經乾枯 沿著城牆找到可以進入舊城的城門

Walking along the moat which is dry up, we can find the entrance to enter the old town


舊城 房子都是土色系列

In old town, the house is “Turkey” style


The grandpa told us a story which is long long time ago


He said: The building is built up by Italian two thousand years ago



Going forward and there is a huge castle 

城堡原本是醫院騎士團的宮殿 現在是個博物館 

It’s called “The Place of the Grand Master”, it’s a museum now

裡面就像電影裡會出現的中古世紀的城堡 非常莊嚴

As grand as the castle which was showed in the kind of middle age films


Lindos=It’s Rock.


The old town near the sea


There is a blue lake you can see from the top of the mountain 

有隻貪吃的貓會一直跟著人走 還會撒嬌

A cute greedy cat always stick together with us

oh~不小心買了很像蘿蔔的甜菜根 整鍋湯都變紫色的

Oh~ we bough a beetroot which we mistook it as radish and the whole soup became purple

老羊:甜甜的 有菜味

Wendy: So sweet~

Rhodes- Lindos 



As leisurely as Greek are.

坐在咖啡廳裡 打開調色盤 畫下眼前的景物

Sitting in the coffee shop, we are drawing to remember the view in frond of us


希臘的咖啡 有厚厚一層咖啡渣在杯底

Greek coffee, it will leave grounds after drinking up to finish


The ground is telling your fortune!


 Rhodes- Coffee shop  


[Next stop] Turkey- To be continued



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